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Random rants and other assorted comments. The Wiki is writable for everybody and you are welcome to add comments; comments related to Neo that is. However, questions have a better chance of being answered on the mailing lists shown below.

Mailing Lists (archive)

Discussions about the use of Neo and its tools. You must be subscribed to be able to post. To subscribe send an empty mail to and follow the instructions. (archive)

Discussions pertaining to the future development of Neo itself; not about the development of systems using Neo. You must be subscribed to be able to post. To subscribe send an empty mail to and follow the instructions. (archive)

Automated messages generated by CVS. This includes all changes to the Neo codebase. You cannot post to this list. To subscribe send an empty mail to and follow the instructions.



Browse bugs and other issues on the Codehaus issue tracking system. Note that you won't be given the option to log new bugs and issues unless you have logged into the system.


Once you have created an account and logged in to the Codehaus issue tracking system on the main page you can report new issues here. Please make sure that you select 'Neo' from the drop down menu.

Continuous Integration

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The Neo source code repository is monitored by a CruiseControl.NET instance. Whenever code is checked in, CruiseControl gets a copy of it, compiles it, runs all the tests and then publishes a report. This way we can always be sure that a fresh checkout of the sources will work on a clean environment. (Unless, of course, CruiseControl reports that the build is broken!) This practice is known as Continuous Integration, more on it here.