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Planned Features

.NET 2.0 support

Pretty obvious: make Neo work with .NET 2.0 and provide optional support for generics etc. (Planned for version 1.5, work in progress)

Single table inheritance

The ability to define an entity classes as a subclasses of another entity class with the limitation that all data must be fetched from the same table. A classic example is a PERSON table from which one can fetch employees as well as manangers with both of them inheriting from person. (Planned for version 1.5, code has been contributed already)

Enhanced concurrency tests

See this wiki entry for details: Optimistic concurrency tests. Please provide comments if you are interested in this feature. This will also fix NEO-5. (Planned for version 1.5)


See this wiki entry for details: Using multiple data sources. Please provide comments if you are interested in this feature. (Planned for version 1.5)

Full sorting support

The current implementation only supports sorting by attributes, not paths, and the in-memory implementation is further limited to sorting by one attribute. This should be fixed. (No concrete plans)

Start with objects

See this wiki entry for details: Start with objects. Please provide comments if you are interested in this feature. (If we do it, this will be Neo version 2.)


Progress can be followed on the issue tracker roadmap. This shows bugs as well as new features.